Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh Boy!

I am about done with people who tease all the time but can't take teasing. I get teased and take it even when their teasing comes across as hurtful. Then I tease the same person, in a not hurtful way but maybe a little nagging way, and I get cussed out. Come on!

Grow up. You are supposed to be a Christ Follower just like I am. If you are that ultra sensitive that you can't take a little heckling then I guess we can't be friends.

I don't mean to be nasty but you do things every time we talk which isn't often that hurt me or upset me and I don't say a word. You don't even call unless you want something. Never just to say hi and ask how I am. I used to try calling just to say hi, to be told you were to busy to talk so I gave up.

Well enough is enough. I have done so much for you, and never got thanked, not that I expected it but to be cussed out for just heckling you a little. You need to grow up and until you do. I am SOOOOOOOOO done with you. I don't want to hear from you until you grow up.

I am not the only one who feels used and hurt by you. But, I am the only one who has been stupid enough to come back for me. However, I am done. I will NOT be back for more verbal abuse.

I have stood by you, helped you when and where you needed it. When I needed help you were too busy. Told me I was jealous that you had a life and I didn't. You couldn't be more wrong.

I have many in my life I can count on and that love me and accept me as I am. I don't need this, and I am not going to take it anymore.

I pray the best for you in your life. God Bless!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This is the season of great Joy! The season to celebrate the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. Yet I find myself more lonely then I have been in a long time. Laurie is out of town. It is snowing and I am broke and have no where to go. I can't wait until Friday. Much to do and lots of people to see. I found myself over eating the last two days due to this boredem and of course, I get sick almost immediately after eating. So at least I won't have a big weight gain because of it. It is a time many of us find to be the loneliest time of year. So many have no one during this season. I have many in my life but they are all busy with their familes.

It doesn't help most facebook app's are down, and it is snowing.

I am totally looking forward to the weekend filled with friends and activities. In the meantime, tv, computer, Bible reading, praying and playing with Cricket. Hoping the app's come back soon.
I should be crochetting, I just am not motivated to do it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

What I am Thankful for!

This being the season to be thankful. I wanted to share what I am thankful for and it is a big list.

1. God in my life, his love for me.
2. Being Alive, I died last November, and was brought back.
3. The wonderful home I have with Laurie and Cricket
4. All the love I have from friends and family.
5. Have a wonderful place to worship God and that I live in a place I am free to do that!
6. My Connections Small Group,
7. My wonderful close friends! Your the best of the best!
8. Being able to impact my community. I hope I live up to God's expectations there, and not MINE!
9. That I am not going to spend another holiday season in a nursing home.
10. The loss of 80 pounds without having to try.
11. Getting to Meet Renie and Tim and give them a hug!
12.Thankful for their friendship!

This list was bigger before I started typing it. Now I am drawing a blank! LOL

Feel free to add yours!

Father God,

Thank you for all the things I have listed above, most of all #1 your love!
